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STEM:IT For High School

Sub Title

STEM & STEAM Challenges Aligned to Core Subjects & Careers

Youtube Link
Youtube Link

Welcome to the STEM:IT High School course! This program is designed as a comprehensive library of topic-based challenges across core subjects of English Language Arts, math, science, social studies, fine arts, health, business, and AFNR (agriculture, food, natural resources). Throughout these challenges, students learn to harness the engineering design cycle to creatively solve problems!

STEM:IT Challenge topics utilize common skills found in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) which includes logical and creative thinking, the design process, and collaboration! Each STEM:IT Challenge includes the following activities and materials:

  • Lesson on Core Subject
  • Discover the Engineering Design Cycle
  • STEM Challenge & Engineering Journal

Additionally, every STEM:IT Challenge topic comes with the following projects and explorations to get students proficient in 21st Century skills and technologies:

  • Career Focus Activities
  • 3D Print & Design Projects
Curriculum Layout
What’s Included
  • Unlimited Seats
  • 300+ Hours of Curriculum
  • Interactive Lessons
  • 3D Print Projects
  • Career Focus Activities
  • Digital Journals
  • Teacher Resources
Discover The Course
Plug & Play Curriculum
STEM:IT Challenge Interactive Lessons
Step-by-Step 3D Print Projects
Course Standards
Technical Requirements
  • PC or Tablet Device
  • Chrome Browser
  • Access to Tinkercad, YouTube